Posted 2/2/10 5:00 pm ET by Jocelyn Vena in Music, Television
It turns out that not only does Jimmy Fallon have a killer Boston accent, he also has some singing chops (which should come in handy now that he's "Jimmie," the sixth member of the New Kids on the Block).
When he sat down to chill with the guys (and later me), he shared his memories about growing up in the heyday of NKOTB's fame. He admits that he has a few favorite New Kids songs, even if they were mostly only loved by the ladies. "'Right Stuff' is kind of an anthem. There was one point in my life where you just you really couldn't get away from the New Kids," he told MTV News with the guys by his side before breaking into song.
"More girls were into it than guys, but it was still one of those things where if you wanted to be with a girl you had to know New Kids songs," he recalled. "I know at one point if you went to mall there was like outside of every store there was a poster of you guys. It would just be everywhere. It was awesome."
Want to here more about Jimmy's NKOTB memories? Want to see him sing a little NKOTB? Check out the video and tell us what your favorite New Kids memory is.

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