Friday, April 16, 2010

Jordan Knight Talks Touring, Books, Music, and a New Album


This lucky reporter got to interview my first crush Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block. Jordan talked about touring, and what he does to keep himself busy on the road.NKOTB’s Jordan Knight: It feels like the good old days and a fresh new day.

2008 American Music Awards - Show

Jordan Knight Q&A

Published: Friday, March 6, 2009 10:47 AM CST
Jordan Knight, one of the front men from The New Kids on the Block, will be performing this Saturday, March 7, at Dodge Arena as part of the Borderfest celebration in Hidalgo.
Jordan proved to be a suave and well-spoken man, with a self-deprecating sense of humor and an unexpected thoughtfulness. He was honest and candid and it was heard across the interview. While usually I’m a pretty cool when it comes to interviewing someone, I found him as charming as I did 20 years ago when I was a big fan.
Question: How does it feel to be back performing as a group again?
Answer: It feels like it s the best of both worlds. It feels like the good old days and a fresh new day. It’s a lot of fun up on stage; we just get such a rush from the crowd. It just makes you feel validated like what you did in the past is really worth something, just makes you feel really good.
Question: How is life on the road? Is it as it was when you all first started 20 years ago?
Answer: I think life on the road is pretty much the same. I am married and have two kids, so it’s kind of hard to be away from them. They do visit me on the road. My son is in school, so it is hard to pull him out from his schedule. But we are soaking it all in a little more. We are not as frantic as we were before. We take it in and we don’t take it for granted.
Question: How do you keep yourself busy when you are on the road? Do you read, listen to music?
Answer: I do all that yeah, I like to read. Currently I am reading “The Reader” and then I watched the movie.
Question: Was the movie the same as the book?
Answer: I visualized it first as I read the book, then it was good to see the movie because it brought it to life. It was a great movie.
Question: What about music? Is there a particular artist you listen to?
Answer: Not really, I keep playing Ne-Yo and Kanye West. Does are the two that are caught on my playlist right now.
Question: What is your favorite song to perform while on stage?
Answer: All the songs are fun. Every song and every performance add something cool about it. I do like performing “Dirty Dancing,” “Baby I believe in you,” and “Give it to you,” those are very, very fun. I also love performing, “I’ll be loving you forever,” and “If you go away.” We have a new song we will perform at the beginning of the show this weekend.
Question: What has been the coolest thing a fan has told you during this tour?
Answer: We get a lot of compliments, but a lot of people say that our music has gotten them through the tough times. That they would lean on our music and us as entertainers when things were going bad then can kind of forget about things and listen to our music. That is why we really do it, to provide happiness to people and help people.
Question: What can fans expect to see this weekend when you perform?
Answer: We are going to do all of our old hits for sure. There will be a lot of songs that everyone grew up with “ that were New Kids fans” they are going to hear those songs. We are going to do all the choreography with new twists and its going to be action packed. We are going to get the crowd involved, we want to make sure people live there happy and we want to make sure everyone is loud, excited, dancing, having fun and maybe shed a few tears.
Question: After the tour ends, do you all plan to go back in the studio and record another album or will you go your separate ways?
Answer: We don’t know. We might to another album; we just may do another album. Like we have all said before, the door is always open to do anything together.

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