Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Kids on the Block in Barbados with CHUM FM


The vibe at the final morning show of CHUM-FM's Breakfast in Barbados 2010 with Roger, Darren and Marilyn spoke volumes about the line up for the day with super group New Kids on the Block.

With the Crane Resort and Residences The Village courtyard as the backdrop, the very anticipation of super group New Kids On The Block's appearance had lulled the crowd of prize winners in to a state of eager and quiet contemplation.

Last night's concert at Holder's House lived up to all it was expected to be and it was obvious that Roger, Darren and Marilyn were not only impressed with the venue, but enchanted as well, a sentiment that would later be echoed by New Kids On The Block member Joey McIntyre when he called the location a "special spot".

Not to be out done by the venue, every performance won rave reviews from the contest winners and radio hosts alike.

The morning show's popular contests kept the crowd at the Crane on their feet while they waited. Contestant Shannon in Toronto played "Beat the Bank", encouraged to keep going by the crowd, who felt a genuine disappointment for her when she hit the buzzer on the fourth vault.

Eric, also in Toronto, had better luck when contest winner Tony won the "Battle of the Sexes" and tickets to Carrie Underwood's upcoming concert on his behalf.

Hot off of a day out with the Barenaked Ladies yesterday, e-Talk Daily's Lainey Lui was on hand to recount her adventures, or misadventures, with the band. A day of snorkeling side tracked into an impromptu cliff diving experience she won't soon forget!

Front man Ed Robertson and bassist Jim Creeggan bravely dove in first, followed soon after by the very naturally "attired" drummer Tyler Stewart. Her personal account may very well be accompanied by a heavily pixilated worm's eye view photo as proof.

While the crowd of fans waited for the band, the CHUM-FM crew walked in to the fray handing out "exams" to any fan who wanted to lay claim to the title of "The Ultimate Block-Head".

The prize? The opportunity to ask any member of the New Kids the first question of the morning. Lisa Evans proved herself admirably, answering 8 of the 10 questions correctly.

Jennifer Salazar of Toronto and Tracey Richards of London, England however, were also real contenders. Decked off in specially made tops that screamed "SUPER FAN!!!" both had interesting stories about their paths to Barbados.

Jennifer, in her shirt adorned with pictures of herself as a child decked off in New Kids paraphernalia and the words "Good things come to those who wait!" emblazoned on the back, had called every hour, on the hour for the first week of the contest, but found that strategy was necessary to win the competition.

Giving up on her cell phone, she dusted off the speaker phone she used as a teenager and finally made it as a qualifier. Tracey had a plan from the get go.

Consulting the band's website, she decided that visiting her family in Barbados and seeing the New Kids on the Block in one trip was an opportunity she could not pass up and she arranged her own trip to the island.

The arrival of the band was announced by a squeal of excitement coming from the first of their fans to spot them as they walked in to the court yard.

Looking tiered but appreciative, the five original band members, brothers Jordan and Jonathan Knight, Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg and Danny Wood, took their positions on the platform and much to the delight of Lisa, and two other lucky fans, answered questions about their current tour, what they have planned for the future and their feelings about being back on stage.

The crowd erupted when fan and contest winner, Nadia, thanked the group for throwing out a cloth that she'd caught during their performance, to which Donnie joked that when he threw his cloth to the crowd there was only a cluster of four or five guys there to catch it.

At the end of their interview, the band obliged their adoring fans with a photo opportunity that no one missed!

It can safely be said that CHUM-FM's 2010 edition of "Breakfast in Barbados" was an incredible experience for everyone lucky enough to be a part of it.

From start to finish, accommodation to activities, the hot lineup of Barbados's Jaicko, the Barenaked Ladies and the New Kids on the Block, all contest winners will agree that their week in Barbados has been nothing less than a once in a lifetime ride.

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