Next stop...JOE MAC in Detroit! Lisa & Suzi drove here and the next morning we headed for Detroit, after a short detour in the middle of nowhere, thanks to the tomtom lol Anyway, we made it to Detroit, checked into the hotel then went to scope out the line. Since the show was general admission to get upfront you wanna get there early. There were maybe 20ppl in line to we went to get some lunch then went back & found Joe's bus in the parking lot behind the club!
We tried tweeting him to see if he'd come out since I have a MacPac Card (*1601) LOL It didn't work so we decided to go back to the hotel, get ready & come back.
When we came back to get in line there were only 10 more ppl who had come in the meantime :) We got in line behind to bh;s who were sisters-very fun to hang out with as we waited 3hrs or so til the let us in. And TY to their policeman friend who brought us hot chocolate! Haven't found them on twitter yet-where are u 2?
We ended up with a great spot to see the JoeShow, only about 5 ppl deep from the stage & on some stairs :D Lisa & Suzi neither one had seen a solo Joe show. I told them they'd be Joe-Girls by the end of the show! Joe has a different kind of energy on stage when he's solo. You get the FULL MAC ATTACK! I will never get tired of hearing him sing Please Don't Go Girl or Cover Girl!
And a new fave now... "I'm Waiting"...
That boy can sing his ASS OFF!!
This pic is without any zoom, yeah we were pretty close! :)
"If I Run Into You" i had forgotten about this song! luv it!
J-Block was in the audience so Joe had to bring him up on stage to do "Games"
A cpl more...
After the show we went out to the parking lot behind the club where the bus was. We waited over an hr trying to decide what to do, when we found Ethan :D

A little while later I saw that Ethan tweet that he was having a drink at Boscos, so we decided to get out of the cold, have a drink then come back & see if anything was going on. We took a seat at the bar, opposite end of Ethan, it didn't take too long til he came down & asked why we were all the way down there & to come join him :) We had another drink, just chatting when Suzi's friend came in to tell us she'd just gotten a pic w/ Joe on the bus! Later Ethan...we ran around back & were the last 3 in line to meet Joe. Johnny was numbering everyone's hands, Suzi was last-then he said that's it :D
Here's us w/ Johnny while waiting our turn to see Joe!
All 3 of us went in together, got our hugs & talked with him for a few minutes. I asked if him & Eman were planning to do anything together-he smiled and said yes! actually we're working on putting something together now. "Cute Hat Guy" told Joe how far Lisa & Suzi has driven from PA for the show, Joe said wow, i hope it was worth it! lol We thanked him & left, he looked exhausted!
Before heading back to the hotel we had to stop for some White Castle becuase 1) it was the only thing open & 2)Lisa & Suzi had never had it before! lol
Here's my videos from the show :)
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