Saturday, November 14, 2009
Jordan Idol
So it's been a week since Jordan Idol....I guess its time that I write my blog for that night!! So here is what I can remember of it:I guess I will start at the beginning!
Thursday, November 5, 2009:
I come home on my lunch break to find a tweet from Jordan about purchasing tickets at for Jordan Idol in NYC. This was a recent tweet, and thinking that tix would go quickly, I jump on the site and immediately purchase 2 tix for Jordan Idol. At this point in time, my roommate was still torn between Jordan Idol or going to NJ to see Jorge Pasada (ugh, I sent her a text telling her that I bought two tix to Jordan Idol. Thinking she may still be asleep, I didn't want to wake her up by knocking on her bedroom door. She apparently was awake and came out of her room and said "what?" I showed her the tweet and told her that we now have two tickets to Jordan Idol for Saturday. "OK, I guess you've made my decision for me for Saturday!" YES I DID!! :)
Friday, November 6, 2009:
I AM HOME SICK TODAY WITH NO VOICE...FEELING LIKE CRAP!! UGH!! ONE DAY BEFORE JORDAN IDOL!! SERIOUSLY!!! "THIS BETTER DISAPPEAR BEFORE TOMORROW MORNING...OR IT IS SERIOUSLY GONNA RUIN MY TRIP TO THE CITY!!" i say to Jill. Jill places vitamin C and robitussin on my desk and tells me that I need to go to bed, and make sure that I am healthy for tomorrow!!
Having been sent home from work before even clocking in, I am able to watch Jordan's interview on "Good Day NY". Jill is more excited this morning that we are going to Jordan Idol, but still wondering if there is a way for her to do both....see Jorge and then get to the city to see Jordan. I spent Friday, alternating between my computer and bed. At one point I even wound up with enough energy to move my desk next to my bed...with the intention of being able to listen to DDub's backrub while I laid in bed that night! not sure how I had the energy, considering my cough was now in my chest, and I can barely breath....but anything for Donnie F*ck Me Wahlberg!! :)
Flash forward to the evening. Jillian happens to refresh her twitter page to see a tweet for Jordan/Jason (cant remember which) about VIP Upgrades for Jordan Idol! She screams and immediately jumps on the link! because the tix are under my account I RACE into her room and start typing my info as fast as I can! WE GET THE VIP UPRGADE!!! HOLY CRAP!!! WE START SCREAMING IN OUR APARTMENT!! Then we realize that we don't even know what the VIP includes!! LMAO!! We go back to the site and read what VIP includes and then continue to SCREAM!! Mind's like 10pm at this point...there are kids who live in the apt below us....BUT WHO CARES!!! WE WERE GOING VIP TO JORDAN IDOL!!! WOOOOO!!! :) "I'M SOOOO GLAD YOU MADE MY DECISION FOR ME, MELISSA!!!" Jillian screams!! She is a Jordan girl!! As if there was any doubt about us going to Jordan Idol!! BUT NOW WE WERE GOING VIP AND JILLIAN WAS GONNA GET FACETIME WITH HER NEW KID LOVE!!! JORGE PASADA WHO!!??? :) and I was going to get facetime with the NK who I share a birthday with!!! WOOOO!!
11pm rolls around....Time for the DDub Backrub...hello Donniegasms!! :) I am in HEAVEN as I drift to sleep with thoughts of Donnie Wahlberg in my head and the impending Jordan Idol the next morning!!! *fingers crossed the cold is gone in the am*
Saturday, November 7, 2009: JORDAN IDOL DAY!!! :)
WOW, THIS WHIRLWIND 3 DAYS CONTINUES....Jill is at work at 5am, like usual! She is expected home around 10am, after which we are going to drive to the train station and hop a train for the city! :) I wake up at 8:30am....dun dun dun....I STILL have my HORRIBLE COUGH!!!! :( Time to drug myself up on cold meds, cuz I am NOT missing VIP with Jordan Knight!!!! I take a looonnngggg hot shower, trying clear anything I can out of my chest, and hoping it will make me feel better!! Get dressed (changing my shirt 3 times....very indecisive!!) Finally I decide on the outfit that I started with!
I AM HOME SICK TODAY WITH NO VOICE...FEELING LIKE CRAP!! UGH!! ONE DAY BEFORE JORDAN IDOL!! SERIOUSLY!!! "THIS BETTER DISAPPEAR BEFORE TOMORROW MORNING...OR IT IS SERIOUSLY GONNA RUIN MY TRIP TO THE CITY!!" i say to Jill. Jill places vitamin C and robitussin on my desk and tells me that I need to go to bed, and make sure that I am healthy for tomorrow!!
Having been sent home from work before even clocking in, I am able to watch Jordan's interview on "Good Day NY". Jill is more excited this morning that we are going to Jordan Idol, but still wondering if there is a way for her to do both....see Jorge and then get to the city to see Jordan. I spent Friday, alternating between my computer and bed. At one point I even wound up with enough energy to move my desk next to my bed...with the intention of being able to listen to DDub's backrub while I laid in bed that night! not sure how I had the energy, considering my cough was now in my chest, and I can barely breath....but anything for Donnie F*ck Me Wahlberg!! :)
Flash forward to the evening. Jillian happens to refresh her twitter page to see a tweet for Jordan/Jason (cant remember which) about VIP Upgrades for Jordan Idol! She screams and immediately jumps on the link! because the tix are under my account I RACE into her room and start typing my info as fast as I can! WE GET THE VIP UPRGADE!!! HOLY CRAP!!! WE START SCREAMING IN OUR APARTMENT!! Then we realize that we don't even know what the VIP includes!! LMAO!! We go back to the site and read what VIP includes and then continue to SCREAM!! Mind's like 10pm at this point...there are kids who live in the apt below us....BUT WHO CARES!!! WE WERE GOING VIP TO JORDAN IDOL!!! WOOOOO!!! :) "I'M SOOOO GLAD YOU MADE MY DECISION FOR ME, MELISSA!!!" Jillian screams!! She is a Jordan girl!! As if there was any doubt about us going to Jordan Idol!! BUT NOW WE WERE GOING VIP AND JILLIAN WAS GONNA GET FACETIME WITH HER NEW KID LOVE!!! JORGE PASADA WHO!!??? :) and I was going to get facetime with the NK who I share a birthday with!!! WOOOO!!
11pm rolls around....Time for the DDub Backrub...hello Donniegasms!! :) I am in HEAVEN as I drift to sleep with thoughts of Donnie Wahlberg in my head and the impending Jordan Idol the next morning!!! *fingers crossed the cold is gone in the am*
Saturday, November 7, 2009: JORDAN IDOL DAY!!! :)
WOW, THIS WHIRLWIND 3 DAYS CONTINUES....Jill is at work at 5am, like usual! She is expected home around 10am, after which we are going to drive to the train station and hop a train for the city! :) I wake up at 8:30am....dun dun dun....I STILL have my HORRIBLE COUGH!!!! :( Time to drug myself up on cold meds, cuz I am NOT missing VIP with Jordan Knight!!!! I take a looonnngggg hot shower, trying clear anything I can out of my chest, and hoping it will make me feel better!! Get dressed (changing my shirt 3 times....very indecisive!!) Finally I decide on the outfit that I started with!
I make pb&j sandwiches for lunch...we're gonna eat when we get to NYC. Jill gets home from work, and we finish getting ready. I find out that my girl @nkangel74 on twitter is gonna be at Jordan Idol and got VIP....we make plans to meet up at the club around 1ish! Finally, I take my Dayquil, and throw the rest in the bag with our lunch, some tissues, and my cough drops! I am ready for the day!! :) After making a quick stop at CVS, i needed singles for the subway....we are off to the train station. We miss the 1st train, so we have to wait for the next one to come! That's ok...still plenty of time!!

Then it's Glenna's turn! Somehow she winds up with Jason taking a couple of pictures of her with Jordan, haha I love it!! :)

Finally, we get on the train, and we are on our way to the Big Apple!! WOOOO!!! While checking my ubertwitter updates, I see a tweet from Jason (@jasonjmikemgnt) telling all people with VIP to Jordan Idol to bring whatever it is that you want Jordan to sign...WHAT THE F***!! WE ARE ALREADY ON THE TRAIN!!! jill and I spend the next 45mins on the mobile web trying to find music stores in ny that have nk cds or anything nk related....NOTHING!! then I come up with an idea of getting a frame that Jordan could sign and then our pic with him could go in the think were good now! then the thought pops in my head to have pics sent from my snapfish account to a walgreens for pick-up!! oooh ding ding ding!! Jill reminds me that there is a CVS next to the club...well ok, but i cant send the pix from snapfish to cvs....hmm...DUH I STILL HAVE CONCERT PICTURES ON MY CAMERA!!! THANK GOD FOR NOT HAVING THE ABILITY TO DELETE THEM OFF THE CAMERA!!! Problem solved!! After getting into the city, we quickly eat our lunch, and head off to the subway, and off to greenwich village. We stop into CVS and have a coupla 5x7 prints made from my concert pics.
(here is the picture that I chose to have Jordan sign)
(here is the picture that Jill chose to have Jordan sign)
We head out the door, walk 5 feet, and are now standing in line outside Le Poisson Rouge (sp?) with a few other Blockheads. I'm actually a bit surprised that there are not more!! The girls in line already are VERY quiet...and no one says anything to each other. I send a Direct Message to @nkangel74 to find out where she and her friend @glennabean are. They are trying to find parking. A few more girls arrive in line with us, Jill and I don't know who they are, so we just talk to each other. These girls wind up being THE BEST PART of waiting for FOUR hours outside the club!!! It winds up that @nkangel74 knows these girls, so when she arrives with @Glennabean, we FINALLY meet!! Wooo!!
(me and Jill waiting out in the cold!!)
(me and Rodelyn, @nkangel74 waiting in the cold!!)
We all spend the rest of the afternoon, being loud and obnoxious on the streets of NY!! LOL!! We're standing there for 4 hrs singing New Kids songs, yelling at people across the street, and laughing hysterically about everything!! (ca-caw ca-caw!!) Every person that asks us why we are standing outside on the street gets a different answer from us!
- we're waiting in line to get our H1N1 vaccine!
- spice girls reunion
- we all have the swine flu....they are quarantining us off!!
- jonas brothers
- hannah montana
- sesame street on ice
- hootie and the blowfish
- we're waiting for you!! thanks for showing up!
- Milli Vanilli
- MC Hammer
- ...and the list continues!!
Finally someone notices that Jason tweeted that they are on their way to Jordan Idol!! WOOO!! FINALLY!!! Of course this means that every cab, or SUV that stops near the club, there is a glimmer of hope that this will be Jordan. Around 5pm, we notice Jason outside the club, and everyone goes crazy! We start calling his name, and trying to get his attention. He takes his camera and starts walking down the line taking video of us all screaming:
(Jason getting the crowd pumped!)
Finally, the "clipboard" people come around and start checking ID's, stamping hands, and handing out bracelets. We finally get into the club, where we receive our VIP bracelet, and head downstairs into the club. Having been standing since 1pm outside the club, we are QUITE tired of standing already, but unfortunately it looks like we must continue to stand. NO chairs for us to sit in! Jill, Glenna, Rodelyn, and I take up standing room only space 2nd row back from the stage, right in front of the microphones. We start chanting "JORDAN, JORDAN, JORDAN!" but not many BH's get involved in the chant with us...LAME!! LOL!!
FINALLY the moment arrives...JORDAN KNIGHT ENTERS THE CLUB and takes his place on the stage. He thanks everyone for coming, introduces us to Kendrick Dean, Aaron Accetta, and tells us that Rob Lewis is running late!! Then he tells us he'll be back momentarily and heads back to his table at the back of the club! People start auditioning, about 35 in total, I believe.
Here are some pictures of Jordan, & others from the audition process:

(Jordan Knight and Kendrick Dean)
(Kendrick Dean with the Nick Carter/Joshua Jackson look alike)
(Even Ben the bartender wanted a chance to audtion!)
One of the most touching moments of the night was when @theamandaknight auditioned for Jordan. He came running down from his table and showed MAJOR love for her!! He even had some tears in his eyes!! It brought some tears to mine!!! I was sooo happy for her!! Here are the pictures that we got from her moment with Jordan that night:
(aww the tears in his eyes!!!) =) luv it!!
The last audition of the night was from a group called The Honey Dips. Due to time restraints, their performance is cut short, but it was HYSTERICAL!!! They performed a song they wrote themselves about cruising with the NK's!! So FUNNY!!
After the audition process was over, Jordan announces that he's going to come down and join us! The DJ puts on Dirty Dancing and Jordan joins the crowd for some dancing! I grab his arm as he dances past, and Jill is so focused on taking pictures and recording him, I don't think she realizes how close he came to us!! Steph (@stephbysteph10) actually gets to dance next to him! WOOO!! go girl!! :) Here are pics from Jordan "performing" with us:
After Dirty Dancing and Sexify My Love, Jordan announces to the crowd that he has to go and meet with the VIP's but that he will be back after! We later find out that time would not allow this, so the VIP's move towards the door to another room where we will be having our meet and greet with Jordan!! WOOO!! Jillian is beside herself at this point!! We are soooo close to meeting Jordan Knight! We find Glenna and Rodelyn and head over to the door. Of course there are the "drunk" girls who just keep pushing their way through the crowd and into the front of the group. While standing there in line, we are all being such girls...fixing makeup and hair...we have to look good for Jordan! The security guard is letting groups of five go in at a time. One girl, without a bracelet, tries to get into see Jordan, but is sent away! hahaha!! As if we haven't been standing long enough, our wait continues as people continue to get sent in before us! We try to make the most of it and just keep counting the minutes until we can get in. Jillian informs me that if we have to have a group shot taken with Jordan, as opposed to individual pics, that she is going to push me out of the way so she can be next to him! THANKS JILL!! haha!! Of course she tells me that if we had to have a group pic with Donnie, that I could be next to him...she would step aside for that!! LOL ok ok ok...You can be next to Jordan if we have to have a group picture!! :)

(me and my girls, Jill, Rodelyn, & Glenna waiting to see Jordan!)
At one point, Rob Lewis and his son come out the door, and we stop him for some pictures! We also try to get him to sing us at least one line of a song, but he just smiles and won't sing for us! :( oh well!! At least we got some adorable pictures with him!! :)
Jason comes out and tells the crowd that we should write our twitter names down because Jordan is going to follow ALL of the people from the meet & greet!! WOOO!!! so exciting!!
FINALLY our moment arrives!! The four of us, plus a single person added as our fifth, head into meet Jordan!! Jordan comes out of the "green room" looks around the room, pretending like he doesn't see us, then looks at us and says "hello." He walks towards us, and grabs me as he walks past, pulling me along with him. Apparently I am going to be the first in our group to have my moment with him! He wraps his arms around me and gives me a big hug! I squeeze him back, and then he gives an extra tight squeeze, while "thrusting the pelvis" and saying "uhhhh." OMFG!!!!!!!! I start laughing as he releases me from his arms. I look up at him and tell him that we share the same birthday and that we have to celebrate on the cruise. He asks me if I am going on the cruise, and I tell him "yes, that's why we have to celebrate together!" he looks at me and says "oh yeah of course!!" :) EEEEEE!!!! He takes the picture I have in my hand and pulls out a black sharpie. I ask him if he can use my silver sharpie since the picture is black and white. He says of course and takes it to sign my picture! He hands the picture to me, puts his arm around my back and we look toward Jason, who has my camera to take our picture. I cant resist putting my head on his shoulder! :)
I ask him for my marker back and then I get another hug! We both realize that the marker was open as we hugged, so he pulls the back of his jacket around to see if i wrote on him. DONT WORRY I DIDN"T!!

Then it was Rodelyn's turn! She forgets to give him her collage to sign. He actually has to ask for it to sign. She was in a Jordan cloud! ;) She winds up with a "prom like" photo with Jordan! sooooo adorable!

NEXT: Jillian has her moment with Jordan!! The moment she has waited YEARS for!!
Here is Jillian's recollection of her moment with Jordan:
"I give Jason my camera and tell him it’s just point and click (Rodelyn’s was apparently a little complicated) and he goes you’re making this easy! So I put my hands on my hips playfully saying “well I try, wink.” The I go up to Jordan and tell him that my twin sister is a Jon girl so my friends decided back in the day that we had to split the Knight brothers, so I’ve been a Jordan girl since then. The he hugs me and I pop my leg, to which Jason says look she’s posing and everything! And I go heck yeah! As Jordan is signing the picture for me, I tell him PS this Yankee fan gave up seeing Jorge Posada for you and he was like “yeeaah!” and pulled me in for another hug. So Jason’s like look at you, you’re stealing him! And I go I would if I could, trust me! And Jordan grabs my hand and I am momentarily unsure of what to do so I tell him that he just made my week! (I am a loser!)"

After the fifth person in our group has her moment with Jordan, Rodelyn grabs Jordan and holds onto him saying that she isnt' going to let him go! We tell him not to leave, and he takes all four us into his arms and does this like walking group hug thing toward the green room! Rodelyn tosses her camera to Jason, and he, who apparently is technically challenged asks what she wants him to do with the camera. "Take a picture of course!!" well he doesn't get the picture, and as Jordan is leaving the room, we ask him to come back and take a group picture with us, which he does!! :) yay!!

We grab our stuff and head up the stairs and out of the club! Rodelyn nearly collapses on the stairs, she can't believe the type of moment we have just had with Jordan! When we get upstairs, this martial arts guy takes a picture of the four of us, but not without flirting with Rodelyn first! haha!! ;)
We head outside, flip through all of our pictures and act like giddy school girls remembering our moment with Jordan!! We head down the street in search of food and wind up in a pizza place, where "The Honey Dips" perform their entire song for us!! Rodelyn catches the whole thing on video for the girls and it was AWESOME!! :-) We decide to stay here for food, and then head back to Glenna's car after dinner! As we are walking toward the car, we decide to WOO for Donnie, so Glenna pulls out the camera and we record us and some random people wooing! We also find a sign that says "best backrub for men and women" so OF COURSE we have to WOO for this!! video # 2!! hahah!
We finally get Glenna's car, and head off toward Grand Central Station. We are blasting "i got it" and "rise and grind" and decide to make more crazy videos, so we wind up singing along to "I got it" We also sing along to "give it to you" for Jordan, but Rodelyn's camera battery dies before we can finish! We pull up to Grand central station and before Jill and I get out of the car, we record ourselves singing "single" and "5 brothers and a million sisters" Once the hilarity that is our evening is over, we get outta the car to say goodbye!!! Jill and I hop a train back to CT and spend the whole train ride back listening to NK songs on the IPod and reminiscing about the PERFECT evening!!
End of the night summary: REDICULOUS AND EXCITING!!! Good times with new friends!!! :)
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