I had an amazing time on line with the BH sistas :) :) People are like "Why did you get there so early?" (1:00) Why not? I got to meet and hang with thee most awesome BH sistas ever!!!
There were a lot of amazing singers last night and I **applaud** you all for getting up there and showing your talent :) Can I get a WOO???
As you all know @theamandaknight had THEE BEST hug from @jordanknight last night after her BEAUTIFUL performance :) :) Can I get a WOO?
After the last performance (woot HONEY DIPS!!!) Jordan came into the crowd. He walked passed me and my girls so of course my hands were on him... security was behind me pushing me and I almost fell into Jordan's lovely manhood... was cool dancin' in front of him until I got shoved aside. @STEPHBYSTEPH10 was dancing right next to @jordanknight and it was like watching the girl in the denim outfit in the guys Steampipe Alley performance from back in the day! So jealous and happy for @STEPHBYSTEPH10 at the same time! love u girl! We all sang and danced with Jordan to Dirty Dancing and Sexify My Love. I once again was squished and was cornered by a security guard and the stage so I was just bouncing in 1 spot cuz I couldn't go anywhere else.
And then... **drum roll please** it was VIP time... omfg
Those with VIP were told to line up and wait to be called. A group of 5 people went in at a time. It was me, 3 of my girls, and someone else who was okay with coming with us.
Once we got in, Jason asked us how we liked the show and told him it was amazing! Then jordan came out and was like HELLO??? I was the 2nd person to go up to him. I said hello, gave him a hug (dios mio he smelled so good, and my face rubbed on his stubble AHHH) and we got our pic taken by Jason (with my camera). I almost walked away as JK reminded me about signing something. I gave him my collage picture.

here is the collage that I put together for @jordanknight to sign.
Oh oh I forgot to tell ya... everyone who was on stage gave him his twitter name and he said they'd follow them. Then those with VIP gave him our twitter names too and he said he'd follow us as well
Okay okay back to my story... OH I forgot when I went up to him I said Hey Jordan :) But since I was screamin' and wooin' last night my voice sounded like Mickey Mouse. So he goes, "Hey, how are you? You ok?" LOL mimicking my voice... thanks @jordanknight u r lucky I love u. So as he's signing my autograph I told him that I was the girl who got hurt. He goes OHH that happened in Jersey!! I said Yup! He looked at my feet and was like, "You ok?" I smiled and said "yes, thank you jordan." He pulled me in for another hug. BIG ASS FRICKIN' HUG!!!!It was one of those bear hugs!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Of course I wasn't lucky enough to get an UHHH hug like @JRKandDDubLuva did!!!! Love you girl!!!
Then... OMG best part...
Jordan started to walk away and say goodbye but I hugged him again. I said "I'm not letting you go!!!" and he held on, pushed me back grabbed my friends too and had a HUUUUUGE hug for all five of us! As he's doing that I'm telling Jason to take my camera and take the pic. Jason's like Huh? What do you want me to do? unfortunately we did NOT get the moment on camera :( Can I get a BOOO HOOOO??? :(
BUT!!!! we got him to come back and do a group shot :) :) :)
Then finally we let Jordan go. We started to walk up the stairs but I dropped myself onto the 2nd and 3rd step and almost started 2 cry. Thanks @GlennaBean @JRKandDDubLuva and @Ask_Jillian for helping me pull myself together. I was just so in shock, so in awe, so overwhelmed!
And that's about it in a nutshell :) :) AHHHH it was amazing!!! Wish I could have shared it with everyone!!!

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